Fallout new vegas possible endings
Fallout new vegas possible endings

fallout new vegas possible endings

That'd all be fine, were it not for the last part. And most important we have 19 other walkthroughs for Fallout 2, read them all! Video segments 8, 17, 18 - These segments are based on player's Karma.

fallout new vegas possible endings

Killer Sniper (variant 2) 6: 7: 6: 6: 7: 10: 5: Same info as above but will not be dependent on Power Armor.

fallout new vegas possible endings

None of your normal 10mm ammo can be used. Enjoy the many, many endings!! Macintosh. There’s no police force or mayor in the town. Prostitutes on the street, in brothels, in casinos.

Fallout new vegas possible endings